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Behind the visuals

How the SCMP creates its award-winning infographics

By and Published February 29, 2024

The South China Morning Post’s award-winning graphics team is dedicated to producing visual stories with impact about China, Hong Kong and the world. Some projects can take months from idea to finish. Here’s a look at how the SCMP’s small team of designers, illustrators and developers works to bring infographics projects to life.

Back in the old days

Before the internet and powerful computers that make interactive content possible today, SCMP graphics such as maps, logos and other illustrations would be hand drawn. The level of detail and dimensions would be determined by the newspaper’s layout design on any given day.

Technology is changing how people consume news, and how the SCMP produces graphics. During the last decade at the SCMP there has been a big push to add value to online stories with explanatory infographics that unpack topics with data and captivating visuals. For the print edition, the SCMP’s graphics team has created hundreds of full page and double page infographics that have won dozens of awards worldwide in recent years. Here’s the SCMP’s five-step approach to creating infographics.

Creative process

Every project starts with an idea. Ideas are fleshed out among the team and SCMP reporters and editors. Projects that tie to major news events may get priority when timeliness is a major factor. The SCMP also creates off-agenda infographics on a range of topics that are not related to current events, but explain technological, societal, cultural or historical issues of interest.


This stage can take weeks or months, sometimes up to half the time of a project. It can involve working closely with SCMP reporters who help collect data and other documents, conduct interviews and location visits.


Sketching is an important part of the process, either on paper, tablet or desktop, as this lays down a visible foundation. This particularly helps other newsroom colleagues involved, such as writers, understand the concept for scripts. Sometimes old sketches can be re-adapted for future projects.

Newspaper back pages


Creation continues as scripts are written, artwork is finalised and interactive elements are tested to run on desktop and mobile to ensure a seamless reader experience. But even with good planning, unexpected things can happen close to the deadline. Such situations can spark great solutions, however. Here’s a look at what can be involved in the production process.

  • Illustration and design is done in steps, from rough sketch to detailed.
  • Building horizontal scrolls allow for navigation from left to right. Here’s an example with an illustration.
  • 3D models in illustrations offer a detailed perspective, like this.
  • Illustrating by hand is an organic way to create unique stories.
  • Creating maps can help tell location-based stories with greater detail.
  • Coding and animations are an integral part of infographics with moving parts.


Depending on the urgency of the project, the publication day can be set weeks or months in advance or short notice. At this point, all usability and readability tests have been conducted, all screens and browsers have been checked, and the final content has been reviewed. Once published, the SCMP’s editorial digital team promotes the infographic on’s homepage and elsewhere, as well as sharing it on social media.

Associate Creative Director Marcelo Duhalde
Additional design and web development Rocio Marquez
Edited by Andrew London and Jin Klenk

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