Distance between the eyes
Width of the nose
Depth of the eye sockets
The shape of the cheekbones
The length of the jaw line
Colour image
Infrared image
Images of Steven Talley
Bank lobby camera images

Your face is becoming your key to accessing your money, your devices and passing through security checks. Unlike a fingerprint, your face can be scanned from a distance without your knowledge. Here’s how it's done.

Your face is measured at more than 80 "nodal points", and the span between them is then used to create a long unique number called a faceprint.
Tap or click a feature to see what the system measures.


The iPhone shines a grid of 30,000 infrared dots on a face and makes a crude 3D model.


Other systems use infrared images to achieve facial recognition. Infrared is not affected by shadow in the visible light spectrum.


Here's how it's done at greater distances. Security systems scan the image for faces.

Isolate face from crowd
Isolate face from crowd
École de Technologie Supérieure

Facial features are isolated, and if the image isn't infrared the colour is taken out.

Locate features
Locate features
École de Technologie Supérieure

The system then re-orients the facial features to allow standard measurement.

Align features
Align features
École de Technologie Supérieure

The measurements are made into a faceprint...

Measure features, build faceprint
Measure features, build faceprint
École de Technologie Supérieure

..then the faceprint is compared to a database of faceprints. The error rate can be as low as 0.8 per cent, but has matched incorrectly in the past.

Match faceprint in database
Match faceprint in database
École de Technologie Supérieure