South China Morning Post
North Korea’s missile test sites

Here’s where North Korea has launched missiles since 1984 according to the Centre for Nonproliferation Studies, which maintains the data set we’ve used for this interactive. Larger dots mean higher numbers of launches.

Since Kim Jong-un’s rise to power late in 2011, North Korea has ramped up its missile launches and tests. Kim has notched up per cent of North Korean missile launches, or out of .

As the CNS data shows, North Korea’s revolutionary leader Kim Il-sung oversaw launches mostly at the Tonghae site in the country’s northeast.

And during Kim’s son and successor, Kim Jong-il’s reign, launches were mostly at Sohae near the former leader’s luxurious estate at Wonsan, on the east coast.

The current leader Kim Jong-un has nearly tripled the country’s launches. There are a few things that CNS analyst Shea Cotton has pointed out that mark the difference in Kim’s strategy compared to his predecessors.

Firstly, they’re much more dispersed around the country, even taking to the seas in submarines. Many of the newer missiles are on launch vehicles and some can handle off-road terrain.

Secondly, some launches are using old missile designs. Cotton says this style of launch is more like a drill to prepare military personnel for a nuclear-tipped missile launch than a test of the hardware.

It could also be because even though North Korea’s newer missiles have a far greater range, they’re far less reliable.


Designs first tested before 2012

Designs first tested under Kim Jong-un

These older, shorter-range missiles threaten North Korea’s neighbours.

Take a look at all the tests by missile type.

tests, first on