What Asia thinks of the US presidential race
With Barack Obama’s pivot to Asia in full swing, the coming US election has a big impact on the future of the region. Here’s how residents of six major nations think of the choices for US president.
Click the buttons at the top to see how each country’s residents responded or click All Countries for a regional view.
Impression of the candidates
Tell us your personal impressions about the US presidential candidates?
Respondents chose character traits which best describe Donald Trump. Here’s a weighted wordcloud of their most and least common choices.
And respondents chose these words to describe Hillary Clinton.
Which candidate would you rather invite to your home for dinner?
Clinton {{ icon_text.dinner.clinton || "N/A" }}
Trump {{ icon_text.dinner.trump || "N/A" }}
Which candidate would you like to see win the US presidential election?
Clinton {{ icon_text.win.clinton || "N/A" }}
Trump {{ icon_text.win.trump || "N/A" }}
Which of these two candidates do you think would be better for Asia?
Clinton {{ icon_text.asia.clinton || "N/A" }}
Neither {{ icon_text.asia.neither || "N/A" }}
Trump {{ icon_text.asia.trump || "N/A" }}
How closely have you been following news about the US presidential election in the past month or so?
Very closely {{ icon_text.news.closely || "N/A" }}
Occasionally {{ icon_text.news.occasionally || "N/A" }}
Rarely {{ icon_text.news.rarely || "N/A" }}
Not at all {{ icon_text.news.not || "N/A" }}
Global issues
If Trump or Clinton wins, how would the following situations be affected compared with the current administration?
South China Sea dispute
Managing the conflict between North and South Korea
Which candidate will be better at tackling these issues?
Helping ensure regional security in Asia
Clinton {{ icon_text.security.clinton || "N/A" }}
Trump {{ icon_text.security.trump || "N/A" }}
Driving positive global economic development
Clinton {{ icon_text.economic.clinton || "N/A" }}
Trump {{ icon_text.economic.trump || "N/A" }}
Building closer ties between the US and China
Clinton {{ icon_text.us_china.clinton || "N/A" }}
Trump {{ icon_text.us_china.trump || "N/A" }}
Participant demographics
China {{ polling.country.CN.percent }}%
Japan {{ polling.country.JP.percent }}%
Philippines {{ polling.country.PH.percent }}%
Singapore {{ polling.country.SG.percent }}%
Indonesia {{ polling.country.ID.percent }}%
S. Korea {{ polling.country.KR.percent }}%
{{ country_mapping[country_ind] }}
Blackbox surveyed 3614 residents of China, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia and South Korea between October 12 and 23, 2016.
Know the facts before election day with This Week in Asia
'Trump reminds me of Kim Jong-un': what Japanese really think of Donald Trump
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Why Clinton, not Trump is Singaporeans' choice for a dinner date
Why do four in ten Chinese people want Donald Trump to win?
Trump’s the real terror: how Muslim Indonesia would vote in the US election
2016 @ SCMP. All rights reserved.
SCMP Interactives: Dan Moss, Castiel Ho and Hoi Wong
Icons made by Freepik, Madebyoliver, Alfredo Hernandez, Scott de Jonge from Flaticon and Gareth from the Noun Project, licensed under CC 3.0 BY.