{{ mapTermYears(year) }}

{{ const_mapping[constituency] }}

{{ mapSubConstituency(constituency) }}

{{ mapTermYears(card_years[card_index - 1]) }}
At a glance
{{ mapTermYears(card_years[card_index + 1 ]) }}

{{ container[container.length - 1].voter_turnout.toLocaleString('us') }} ({{ calcPercent(container[container.length - 1].voter_turnout, container[container.length - 1].voters) }}%)

This constituency was uncontested in {{ mapTermYears(year) }}.

{{ container[container.length - 1].total_vote.toLocaleString('us') }} ({{ calcPercent(container[container.length - 1].total_vote, container[container.length - 1].voters) }}%)

{{ incumbent.party[0] }}, {{ incumbent.party[1] }}

{{ member.status }}

{{ member.name }}

{{ incumbent.votes.toLocaleString('us') }} votes  ({{ calcPercent(incumbent.votes, incumbent.total_vote) }}%)

2016 Demographics
Voter Age / Sex*
{{ calcPercent(demographics.const.total.overall.total, demographics.const.total.overall.total + demographics.rest.total.overall.total) }}% of voters from this GC*
Median Household Monthly Income^
2016 Figures
Registered Voters*
{{ const_voter.toLocaleString('us') }}
{{ calcPercent(const_voter, func_total, 2) }}% of voters are from this FC*
{{ calcPercent(const_voter, demographics.const.total.overall.total) }}% of voters are from this FC*
Constituency boundaries