Hong Kong at 25

Land rush

By Published June 20, 2022

Hong Kong consistently ranks among the world's most expensive commercial and residential property markets. The government, which owns all the city’s land, leases sites, generally for 50 years, mainly through a tender process each year. In late 2021, a commercial plot in Central went for a record HK$50.8 billion (US$6.5 billion). Here, the Post takes a look at the city’s land sale highlights over the past 30 years.

How to read the graphic

Circled dots indicate sites sold through government land sales and the sizes of the dots represent the price of the sales




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Note: Circles with black strokes represent sites for petrol stations, and prices were counted by more than one sale on the same date

Private residential property price index

Newly completed private residential units

Associate Creative Director Marcelo Duhalde
Cover illustration by Marcelo Duhalde

Sources: Development Bureau; Rating and Valuation Department

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