Hong Kong was recently ranked 68th in a global smart city index. That ranking followed the government’s earlier commission of the Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint Consultancy Study. The recommendations were based on the Boyd Cohen model, a basic analytic framework commonly used by researchers and experts, which organised smart cities into six themes to build a strong economy, enhanced by the quality of urban living through innovative technology. Here is how it works:
A smart economy aims to improve the overall business climate by making the city more attractive to start-ups and investors, while growing the economy in a sustainable manner
Smart government changes how the government manages the city and serves its stakeholders through the deployment of supporting infrastructure
The government’s Smart People initiative aims to transform the way public and private sector services are accessed by individuals, businesses, parents, investors, employees and employers. It also facilitates retooling of talents and lifelong learning
The proposed projects under Smart Living focus on improving an individual’s ability to interact with electronic services, designed to enhance general wellbeing and health through technology
The creation of a Smart Environment will help reduce waste production, monitor and manage pollution, and improve the emission rates in urban areas
Smart Mobility aims to achieve cheaper, faster and environmentally friendly travel in the city. Existing modes of public and private transport would be integrated with advances in transportation
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